
Do you participate in Early Achievers?
Yes, we are a level 3 Early Achievers school.

Are you open year-round?
Yes, except for the last week in August when we close for staff in-service.

What are your youngest and oldest classrooms?
Our youngest classroom is the Purple Room – children need to be 1 year old to enroll. Our oldest room is the Yellow Room, which is a Pre-K room in which children start at 4 years of age.

Enrollment Questions

How can I get on the waitlist?
After taking a tour, email us with your child’s name and birthdate, as well as your name, contact info, and preferred schedule.

When will I find out if my child has a spot?
Generally classroom rosters are set in the Spring. You should know by April if your child has a spot for the upcoming school year.

When do children change classrooms?
Children start in a new classroom in the beginning of September and stay in that room until the end of the following Summer.

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