We’ve made an amazing amount of progress this past week on our community service project! The kids in Yellow Room got involved right away by decorating the canvas bags that will hold care packages with some awesome art & drawings. They’ve also started asking great questions like “What’s being donated?” “Where are these going?” & “Why?” and we’re helping them find ways to seek answers to their big questions.
Check out some pictures of the Yellow Room class hard at work!

Donations continue to roll in, including an incredible number of warm socks. We’d like to say a huge thank you to the families who have added their donations to our Care Package Fund – because of your support we’ve been able to make an initial order of supplies and will begin putting together the kits next week. We’ll be having a work party on Tuesday December 13th from noon to 3pm where you can volunteer your time – feel free to stop by Room 304 to help out!
Here’s a little more detail on our donation & funding progress

Don’t Forget! You can donate to this project any time via our Venmo @prlcpreschool or by bringing cash/check to the office. Feel free to share this page and project with friends and families who might be interested too!