Food Program

At PRLC Preschool we provide a lunch and three snacks which are prepared in our on-site kitchen each day. Our school is nut-free and we work with families to develop modifications to accommodate other dietary needs due to allergies, medical conditions, or cultural practices. We have a strong value for helping children build healthy relationships with food and this is reflected in practices throughout our food program: we serve snacks and meals on a predictable schedule each day, we provide a variety of foods which represent both familiar favorites and new experiences, and we trust children to make decisions about whether they are hungry or satiated. For more information on the feeding philosophy we use, follow the links titled “Our Food Program Philosophy” and “Ellyn Satter: Division of Responsibility” to the right!

Parent Educator

Our Parent Educator is Lea Evans from North Seattle College. Lea is a fantastic resource for the families and staff alike.

Lea can be reached at

Room Parents

Each class has 2 room parents who are in charge of organizing staff holiday gifts, the Halloween Party, and the events of Teacher Appreciation Week. Our room parent coordinator for the year is Sonya Heltshe, who can be reached at

Other Resources

In the lobby you’ll find parenting books to borrow, articles regarding growth and development, and handouts with helpful tips. From time to time we’ll post community events, weekend and summer suggestions, information on school open houses, and more.

Medication Authorization Form

Check out Orange Room’s guide to outdoor art right here

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